Tips and Ideas on How to Decorate a Large Living Room

Posted on: 18 October 2016

People with small living rooms are usually faced with the challenge of decorating the space without making it look crowded and stuffed up. It is easy to imagine that if you had a large living room, then things would be easier regarding décor. However, decorating a large space without clashing colors or making the room look busy and unfocused requires skill and expertise. If it is your first time moving into a home with a large living room, you don't have to get nervous about going wrong with the décor. Here are some tips and ideas that will enable you to come up with a beautiful, functional, and classy living room.

Divide the living room

One advantage of having a large living room is that it becomes a multi-functional area. The best way to organize it for various activities is by dividing it into multiple areas. For instance, you could have a space for watching TV, another for family talks, and another for reading and writing. Not only will organization make your living room more functional, but it will also prevent it from looking empty and lifeless as you will be able to bring in various types of furniture for the different areas.

Work on the lighting

Lighting can alter the appearance and feel of your living room. If the room receives a lot of natural light during the day, you want to ensure that you use window treatments that allow in light. You can also go for full windows if you are in the process of renovating the space. Ensure that every part of the room, especially the corners, receives light during the night as well. Invest in overhead lighting fixtures and floor lamps to make sure that the room is well lit.

Have a statement feature

It is very easy for a large living room to look unfocused if no fixture acts as the visual anchor of the room. An anchor draws most of the attention in the room, and it can add elegance and beauty to it. It is the first thing that visitors notice when they walk into your living room. One of the best fixtures that you can use as a statement feature is a couch. Sectionals have been trending for a while and having one can create an ideal anchor for your living room. Explore with throw pillow colors that complement the couch and give it an outstanding look.

Utilize these tips and ideas so that you can get the décor right in your large living room. You can also use the professional help of an interior decorator in choosing the right colors and shades for your furniture and accessories. This will help you to come up with a beautiful, coordinated, and functional living room.
